Retirement Planning
Helping you plan for retirement by taking a holistic view of your overall financial situation.
How we can help
We’ll help you plan for retirement by taking a holistic view of your overall financial situation, looking at your personal balance sheet today and helping you understand the options available to potentially improve your financial position at retirement, including the tax efficiency of future income streams.
Tax relief is offered on contributions to encourage you to save for your retirement, with all investment returns made within a pension fund being tax-free. While pensions are simple for many, for others they can be very complicated with careful planning required where:-
- Annual contributions exceed £4,000 for higher earners or for those who have previously drawn taxable income, or £40,000 for others
- The pension fund is projected to exceed your lifetime allowance
- The pension fund is no longer required to provide an income in retirement and can be viewed as a succession planning arrangement
We can help you deal with these issues now to make sure you get the most out of your finances later.
Through cash flow modelling, we illustrate your income in retirement and show you how meeting your income needs will likely impact the future underlying asset value which you may wish to leave to beneficiaries on your death.
Our team has a wealth of financial planning experience with a particular strength in advising on both pre and post-retirement issues. We provide advice on all aspects of pensions from defined benefit to Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).